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#smartertogether for over 30 years: GE HealthCare and KSG Group in harmony with progress and quality

In a fast-moving world, trusting business partnerships are rare. So how is it possible to build and maintain a strong customer-supplier relationship over 30 years? One example of this is the successful collaboration between GE HealthCare and us, the KSG Group. We have been producing PCBs suitable for series production for various industries for over 64 years. Our high-quality KSG printed circuit boards are used in the [...]

Chief Energy Manager Thomas Hojenski in an interview: Producing printed circuit boards? Can also be sustainable!

Mr. Thomas Hojenski, Head of Operating Technology

Industry accounts for around 31 percent of annual energy consumption in Germany. If the energy transition is to succeed, companies must accept their responsibility: Review and monitor consumption and look for optimization opportunities. With rising energy prices, this not only makes ecological sense, but also economic sense. In addition to consumption, there is also a greater focus on the supply of energy: in 2020 [...]

Brief portrait of the ENAL funding project

KSG exterior view at the Gornsdorf site

ENAL = Use of nano-coated tools in PCB production The mechanical production processes of drilling and milling account for around ten percent of the manufacturing costs of a PCB. The costs for drilling and milling tools play a not insignificant role in this. Together with KSG, a Saxon project consortium looked for ways to reduce these costs as part of the ENAL project publicly funded by the Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB) [...]

Printed circuit boards with flexibility (Economic Forum, August 2021)

Working on the milling machine

Interview with Margret Gleiniger (CEO/CFO) and Swen Klöden (CTO) of KSG GmbH and Kornel Schmidt, Managing Director of KSG Austria GmbH 'Made in Europe' is anything but a matter of course when it comes to the production of printed circuit boards. At its plants in Gornsdorf, Saxony, and Gars am Kamp, Austria, KSG GmbH manufactures a wide range of [...]

KSG supports the Paul Award talent competition

Paul Award

Young technical talent is very important to us. We want to get children and young people interested in electronics development and careers in the electronics industry. That is why KSG is also supporting the continuation of the Paul Award talent competition after the first round. In this competition, young people realize their own project idea for an electronic device. The Paul Award is an initiative of the FED trade association. [...]
