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Solder surface or PCB finish, Part 1: Function and properties

Soldering surface printed circuit boards

The soldering surface - also known as the end surface or PCB finish - is a thin metallic or organic layer that the PCB manufacturer applies to the copper surfaces of the component connections (solder pads). As natural copper tends to oxidize when exposed to air, soldering the components would be difficult or impossible. The soldering surface covers the exposed copper on the [...]

Tips for PCB design with copper elements (HSMtec) - Part 2

HSMtec cross section

Design rules for high-current conductor tracks These rules must be observed when designing HSMtec PCBs: Standard values for HSMtec PCBs are 0.8 to 3.2 mm final thickness; maximum 12 layers; maximum 3 layers for the copper cross-sections with copper profiles and currents up to 400 A Basic rule for the current carrying capacity: For each copper profile of its width, the conductor track must be designed 1 mm wider all round. [...]

Tips for PCB design with copper elements (HSMtec) - Part 1

HSMtec cross section

When designing HSMtec PCBs with integrated copper elements, it is always advisable to design the high-current conductors before the standard layout. The development process of an HSMtec PCB consists of 10 design steps: Define mechanical features: Define size and contour of the PCB Place power components: define short and simple paths for the high-current conductor tracks Define current ratings: e.g. 80 or 110 A Define ambient conditions: Ambient temperature e.g. [...]

Printed circuit boards with flexibility (Economic Forum, August 2021)

Working on the milling machine

Interview with Margret Gleiniger (CEO/CFO) and Swen Klöden (CTO) of KSG GmbH and Kornel Schmidt, Managing Director of KSG Austria GmbH 'Made in Europe' is anything but a matter of course when it comes to the production of printed circuit boards. At its plants in Gornsdorf, Saxony, and Gars am Kamp, Austria, KSG GmbH manufactures a wide range of [...]

Printed circuit boards for high current densities and efficient thermal management (2)

Man writes on whiteboard

Iceberg®: uniform surface level over the entire conductor pattern Iceberg® PCBs are partial thick copper PCBs. In a wiring level, there are areas with 50 to 70 µm copper for the control and areas with up to 400 µm copper for the load. The thick copper is largely sunk into the PCB. This creates a uniform surface topography over the entire conductor pattern, [...]

Printed circuit boards for high current densities and efficient thermal management (1)

Man writes on whiteboard

Thick copper, Iceberg® and HSMtec® are three different technologies for high-current printed circuit boards. The article compares the three technologies and explains the design possibilities, current carrying capacity and heat dissipation of the power semiconductors. Motor control adapts speed, power and torque to demand and operating conditions and plays a key role in the energy efficiency of industrial motors and vehicles. Around 30 motors are [...]

Iceberg® printed circuit boards

Iceberg circuit board

Iceberg® printed circuit boards are partial thick copper printed circuit boards with mixed copper thicknesses of 105 and 400 µm on the same level in the outer layers. Around two thirds of the thick copper is embedded in the base material. The "sinking" of the thick copper structures in the base material enables a uniform surface topography despite different copper thicknesses on the same layer. This means that the conductor flanks can be [...]
