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One year of the transformation concept. We take stock with Thomas Hojenski

The PCB industry plays an important role in implementing the energy transition. Companies in this sector have a responsibility to reduce their high consumption of fresh water, waste water and energy in production and thus help to conserve our resources. Many companies have already recognized this trend. But there is still a lot to [...]

HDI printed circuit boards - possibilities and limitations in design and production

HDI printed circuit board KSG

The most important questions and answers They are used in smartphones, airplanes and medical devices and enable high technical performance in the smallest of spaces: HDI printed circuit boards have become an integral part of the electronics industry. However, with increasing miniaturization and ever more complex circuits, the demands on the design and manufacture of multilayer PCBs are growing. What characterizes a [...]

KSG Support Line: The team behind the extension -555

Group picture Technical Support

When the extension 555 is called at KSG, the four telephones of Dirk Deiters, Thomas Doberitzsch, Johann Hackl and Uwe Meyer ring simultaneously. Whoever picks up first has the caller on the line and answers questions quickly and easily, such as: "Can you help me choose the right PCB base material for my new application?", "Which [...]

SIR test according to IPC

Testing the surface resistance

We use the SIR test according to IPC to test surface resistance in a humid/heat climate. We explain exactly how it works.
