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UPDATE: Flood situation in Lower Austria: good news for our customers

Flood-2024 Gars am Kamp KSG Austria

Nach den schweren Hochwasserereignissen der vergangenen Tage können wir nun eine deutliche Entspannung der Lage im Kamptal vermelden. Dank unserer umfangreichen präventiven Maßnahmen blieb unser Produktionsstandort Gars am Kamp geschützt und unversehrt. Wiederaufnahme der Produktion Wir sind soeben dabei, die Produktion wieder hochzufahren und den Betrieb planmäßig aufnehmen. Wie uns die Behörden mitteilten, wird es […]

Pattern plating and panel plating: the core processes of PCB production

Pattern plating and panel plating: the core processes of PCB production

In the complex production of printed circuit boards, there are two typical manufacturing processes for the core processes of through-hole plating and structuring. A distinction is made between "pattern plating" and "panel plating". Depending on the requirements, layer structure and layout, KSG decides on the most suitable manufacturing process. A combination of both processes ("semi-pattern plating") can also be used. Design rules for this [...]

High-quality PCBs thanks to Tg value determination

Base material printed circuit board

The reliability of printed circuit boards plays a crucial role in electronics production. Particularly in applications that are exposed to high temperatures, it is essential that the materials from which the PCBs are made can withstand these conditions. An important parameter for assessing the thermomechanical resilience of PCBs is the glass transition temperature, also known as the Tg value. In this article [...]

The cost-optimized PCB - Part 2: Savings potential in pressing, drilling & milling

On the way to a cost-efficient PCB, it is not only the utilization and selection of materials - as described in Part 1 - that play a role. There is also potential for savings in the mechanical machining processes. In particular, it is important to reduce throughput times for pressing, drilling and milling. Enabling cost-efficient pressing processes The pressing process is primarily influenced by cost [...]

Soldering surfaces for printed circuit boards, Part 5: Organic Solderability Preservative (OSP)

KSG printed circuit board

Organic surface protection (OSP, Organic Solderability Preservative or Organic Surface Protection) is a cost-effective alternative to metallic end surfaces on printed circuit boards. An organic layer is formed on the exposed copper areas, which protects against oxidation by oxygen. This maintains the solderability of the PCB for a defined period of time without the need for an additional metallic protective layer [...]

The cost-optimized printed circuit board. Savings potential for material & layer structure

Technical support during the consultation

The demand for ever more powerful and compact electronic devices is constantly growing. However, in times of rising raw material and energy prices, developers, engineers and companies are faced with the challenge of finding the right balance between quality and cost-effectiveness when developing high-performance components. This also applies to printed circuit boards as the backbone of electronic circuits. But where are the starting points for [...]

Pioneering technologies through precise impedance control: the role of the printed circuit board

Printed circuit board with defined impedances (partial view)

In a time of constant change and advancing technologies, the drive to successfully bring groundbreaking innovations to market is not just an entrepreneurial endeavor, but rather the linchpin for sustainable success. Within this dynamic environment, defined impedance control on printed circuit boards plays a decisive role in determining the success or failure of your application [...]

3D printed circuit boards in the area of conflict between functionality and cost optimization

KSG rigid-flex printed circuit board

How to reduce costs in the production of rigid-flex printed circuit boards Whether energy, raw materials or personnel - there is hardly an area that is not currently affected by exorbitant cost increases. This also affects the manufacture of printed circuit boards. This makes it all the more important to look for potential savings, especially with complex components such as rigid-flex printed circuit boards. Here [...]

Practical tips for error-free, production-ready PCB design Part 1: External copper layers

CAM employee with circuit board

Errors in PCB development cost time and money, but they can be avoided. As part of the "Practical tips" series of articles, we take a close look at typical PCB design errors and provide valuable insider knowledge for the efficient design of a PCB. An error-free PCB design that is suitable for series production is the basic prerequisite for cost-effective PCB production. But when it comes to layout, there are several [...]
